Friday, December 30, 2011

Making the Most of My Winter Break

I can't believe my winter break is almost half over! Now that I've had ample time to be with friends and family, there are a few things I want to get done before I start my second semester. Here's a list of some of those things. I'm hoping that making it public will help get me motivated!

Practice wheel throwing and finish some artwork. Since I will be teaching some ceramics classes in the spring, I need to get as much practice in as possible. I went the entire first semester without throwing, so I need to get back into the swing of things!

Find homes for my artwork. I have a lot more artwork than I can handle. I'd like to find good homes for my sculptures, bottles, and pots. When I'm selling or giving away my work, people always ask me, "Well don't you want to keep that?" As much as I enjoy making the work, I could not possibly display and store all of the artwork I will make from now until eternity.

I also really love the thought of my artwork making it's way into the homes of family, friends, and strangers across the country. I have artwork in Philadelphia, Virginia, Kansas City, and St. Louis (obviously). How cool is that?

Here is  one little guy that needs a home:

Finish knitting my scarf. I've been working on the same scarf since Thanksgiving, and I'd like to finish it soon so I can start learning to knit more complicated things!

Practice my sewing skills and make more bags. So our sewing machine is getting taken to the shop, and I've been using the one at my Nana's house. Hopefully ours will get fixed soon--that will make it a lot more convenient for me to practice!

Clean up the backyard and tend to my compost. 

Before Fall Break, I said to my mom, "I wish I could come home. I'd rake the entire yard for you!" I enjoy yard work. Though my mom wished I could have come home (and not just because of my offering of yard work), it wasn't feasible. When I came home for Winter Break I got a surprise--my mom left the entire back yard untouched. So I get to rake up all the leaves for my compost. Yay!

Clean up the garden.

Enough said.

Finish "The Tightwad Gazette II". The trouble with library books is that I can't take them back to school with me. I'd like to finish this one before I go back.

Go to the Value Village monthly half off sale. Since it's winter, I can't go to garage sales and I've been itching to go. The storewide half off sale once a month at Value Village is almost as good. Hopefully I'll find some cool furniture for my mom to refurbish!

Cook up some recipes I've been wanting to try. I want to try recipes for making my own crackers and other items people typically just buy from the store.

Research internship opportunities and apply. Haverford pretty much has more resources than they know what to do with. I want to take full advantage of them.

So that's my list. Hopefully typing it out and making it public will help me get more done! What's on your To Do List?

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Simpler Christmas Giving

Happy two days after Christmas!

I know these days after the holidays can be a drag--especially for parents and grandparents, the ones expected to buy all of the gifts, host the holiday parties, bake the christmas cookies, and make the holidays extra special for their family and children. This year, as I watched my mom stress over what presents to buy, as I went from store to store with my exhausted Nana (my grandma) to buy supplies for Christmas dinner, I felt sorry for these overworked women. The holidays had become a time of tiredness and anxiety for them. There must be a better way to do this, I thought.

For the past few months, as I have been reading frugality blogs and books like the Tightwad Gazette, I've picked up a few tips and tricks for making the holidays more simple and enjoyable. Since I'm not at a point in my life where I have to host parties or parent kids, but I do enjoy giving gifts, the concepts I learned about gift giving stuck with me the most. I'll share with you my refined process of gift giving this year.

I decided I wanted to change my process in these ways:

1. Simplify my gift recipient list. Instead of giving presents to a lot of people, I wanted to give a few, meaningful presents.
2.Plan ahead. Instead of doing all my shopping in December when I got home from school, I wanted   to start early. That way, I would have more time to spend with my family and friends during my short month break.
3. Look out for sales and coupons. I wanted to get quality presents while saving as much money as possible.
4. Be conscious of where my money is going. Instead of sending money to large factories in China that under pay and exploit their workers, I wanted to support businesses and causes of integrity.
5. Avoid making extra trips to the store, specifically for buying gifts. Shopping trips waste time and energy which could be expended in better ways.
6. Give a gift the recipient will actually appreciate. Oftentimes my siblings get gifts and want to return them. This also wastes energy and time. I want to give gifts that are cherished, not rejected.

In summary, I wanted to be thoughtful about my gift giving. In my mind, this is the most important part of gift giving, yet it is often lost in the frantic shopping around the holidays. Gifts become thoughtless obligations. In following the listed guidelines, I thought I could renew the thoughtful meaning behind gift giving and make it a more simple, enjoyable process.

How did I do? I'll let you be the judge.

For my mom, I bought these "Infinite Dance" earrings from Novica.

Novica is an organization associated with National Geographic that supports artisans around the world, providing them with fair compensation and loans to build their business. Some of the products on this site are pricey; however, they are quality handmade products. I feel good about supporting these artists in need, as opposed to sustaining large corporate factories. The jewelry is also much more unique than anything you can find at department stores, so I got to get my mom something really special!

Because Novica jewelry isn't cheap, I looked around for deals all through the fall season. In October, The Frugal Girl posted an awesome Novica coupon at Living Social Deals--buy the coupon for $20, and get $40 towards your Novica purchase. Though I didn't know what I was going to get my mom at the time, I knew I could find something for her at Novica in my price range thanks to the coupon I found. Instead of paying about $48 for the earrings, I paid only $28.

I was a little mad at myself for not looking around for more coupons when I made this purchase. A few days later, I saw a $5 off coupon. Though not a huge savings, every little bit helps!

For my sister Lacey, I decided to buy silk long underwear.

While this might seem like a boring or too practical gift, these are quality garments and a necessity in the cold Minnesota winter she has to endure at school. They are also more expensive than she or my mom could typically afford--at prices of about $50 for the top and $50 for the bottoms, totaling a hefty sum of $100.

If you know me at all, you know I would not pay full price for these. While she really needs them, I can't really afford $100 presents. Just when my mom had given up on this gift, I found that Lands End was having an awesome before christmas sale--40% off your entire order plus free shipping. In addition, certain colors of these silk long underwear were a reduced price--the lavender was $25 instead of $50. Though Lacey would have preferred black, she completely understood my choice of lavender when she found out it was half price! With all of these discounts, my total ended up being about $31--a savings of almost $70! This was by far my best Christmas steal. The only downside was that the product was Made in China from an unknown source. I didn't realize this until after I bought it.

I left Nancy's gift a little more open ended. In November, a group at Haverford had a fair trade sale, selling products from an organization called Serrv (similar to Novica). Again, I could feel good about supporting artists who were hand making their products and getting fairly compensated for them. At the sale, I discovered this elephant puzzle box:

I was immediately intrigued by it--I couldn't open it! The puzzle has four separate parts. Since Nancy loves elephants, this was a no-brainer. Though it isn't practical, I thought it was special and a good price at only $15. Before I wrapped it in my homemade cloth gift bag, I put a note inside redeemable for a $15-20 present that she really wanted but didn't get for Christmas. I think this made the gift a little more fun and interesting. It also helped me achieve my goal of spending similar amounts on each family member's gift.

I think I did a pretty good job of addressing my goals--to simplify my recipient list, to get gifts ahead of time, search for sales, know where/how the gift was made and feel good about it, avoid extra time consuming shopping and return trips, and most importantly, be thoughtful about my gifts. This has definitely been the most enjoyable Christmas giving experience that I've had. Next year, I plan to start my gift search in January--to maximize my thoughtfulness, conscientiousness, and savings!

What process or system do you use for gift giving? How do you maximize the quality of your gifts while minimizing the cost? Comment below!

Friday, December 23, 2011

A More Sustainable Christmas

Hey everyone!

I've been home for over a week, and time has flown by. I've been busy seeing old friends, going to church, working on art, being with family, and cooking my own food. I'm really glad I started thinking about my christmas presents before I got home, because I've had so many other things to do. I can't tell you what my presents are, but I can tell you I thought a lot about how I wrapped them.

I never thought of wrapping paper as wasteful. We only use it  once a year, so it never seemed like a big deal. But if you think about how many presents in the world get wrapped in paper every Christmas, the amount of paper waste is likely astronomical.

This fall, I read about making cloth gift bags on the Frugal Girl's blog and in Amy Dacyczyn's The Tightwad Gazette. It made me think about all of the packaging that is thrown away at Christmas. Even if you wrap gifts in reusable bags, many bought products come in cardboard boxes, plastic, and styrofoam. Wrapping paper is waste that can easily be avoided.

Though I didn't have much time or convenient access to a sewing machine (ours is broken), I managed to make and use one good cloth bag. My other three presents are wrapped in bags too--bags that we'd saved from years past. While they aren't cloth bags and they do require tissue paper, the bags can be reused by the recipient. Because two of these paper bag presents are for my mom and sisters, they will just stay in our family.

Out of all of these bags, the gold cloth bag is my favorite. I think cloth is just a little more classy--I've seen some really beautiful cloth bags by other waste-conscious people. These bags are also really easy to make--I was learning to use a sewing machine while I made this bag. If you have any experience at all, or even no experience, you can do this too!

Before you set out to buy that wrapping paper during after Christmas sales, why not try making some cloth bags instead? For a good set of instructions, check out the Frugal Girl's blog post on cloth gift bags.

How do you prevent wrapping waste? Comment below!

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Coming Home!

Hey everyone! I'm so excited to be coming home in four days! As much as I love Haverford, it has been a long semester. I don't think I've ever worked harder academically than I have this past week. I've completed two classes so far, and I have two more finals to finish.

As I frantically finish up my final work, other things have fallen by the wayside. . .including the state of cleanliness in my room. I'm posting this picture of my room on fall break (1) because it makes me happy and (2) I'm pretty sure I haven't even shown my mom what my room looks like!

Right now it's hard to believe my room once looked like this--I decided to shield you from an updated photo. However, I plan to clean it before I leave--I can't stand leaving a mess behind! That will probably happen on Tuesday, along with a load of laundry.

Today, I need to study for my statistics final. After I take that (hopefully on Monday) and turn a rough draft into a final draft, I'm free!

Tomorrow, I'll be attending Renewal Christian Fellowship. I attended last week, and I really enjoyed the service! There are also a lot of other college students who attend, a few from Haverford, so I'm getting to meet a lot of new people.

I didn't intend for this post to be a rough outline of my schedule, but I really am constantly going through the list of things I'll be doing before I go home. The fact that I can list them off reminds me that I'll be back in St. Louis very soon!

What's your schedule like? Has the holiday craziness started yet? It's hard for me to believe it's December already! Leave a comment below.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Food Waste Friday: Storage Issues

With all the craziness of the holiday weekend, I made few blunders when it comes to food waste. Before I went to Virginia, I got a couple of bagels and kept them in my room for when I got back (I got back Saturday evening but the Dining Center didn't open until Sunday evening). Though it is hard to tell in this picture, the bagels actually molded between Wednesday and Saturday. I have no idea why--normally bagels keep at room temperature, but maybe I should have refrigerated them. Or maybe I should have kept them in plastic containers rather than plastic bags. I'm not really sure.

I also attempted to freeze these bananas in my mini fridge, but they never quite froze, and eventually they just turned bad. It has worked before, but for some reason it didn't work this time. I think my best bet is just to do this at home in a regular freezer.

Most of my problems this week were misjudgments relating to storage. Do you have any suggestions for me? Any similar stories about food waste? Comment in the box below!