Friday, September 23, 2011

First Food Waste Friday!

Hey everyone!

You probably haven't heard of Food Waste Friday, because it's a concept I discovered on another blog, The Frugal Girl. Every friday, her posts tell readers the food she wasted that week and usually she includes a picture (not to gross you out, but because photography is a hobby of hers). These weekly posts serve as a way to be more accountable for her food waste. She has asked others with blogs to join her in practicing Food Waste Friday, and I think it's a great idea!

I think it will help me waste less because I will be more aware of my waste; it's also embarrassing to publicly admit to waste on a blog, which will also help me waste less.

So here is what I wasted this week:

This is the remnant of a once beautiful tomato. I feel awful about wasting it, especially since I got it from the Haverford Garden Club's garden. I just forgot about it.

In addition, I wasted a small portion of vegan baked beans. The Dining Centers at Haverford and Bryn Mawr always have vegan food, and I like to try it sometimes, but these beans just tasted really strange.

Join me in keeping track of your food waste! If you are a college student eating in the dining center on campus, try writing down your waste right after you have your meal. If you are at home, clean out your fridge every friday and see what went bad. I think this will definitely be a helpful practice for me!


  1. We should make a tomato waste support group among us.

  2. haha. I felt particularly bad about wasting this one because I whined all summer about not getting any tomatoes because the squirrels were stealing them.

  3. I'm impressed that you are in college and participating in our Food Waste Friday group. Food waste (although I've always been frugal) was the furthest thing from my mind when I was in college.

  4. @live and learn
    Thanks! I definitely think food waste is something everyone should be concerned about, regardless of age. I know a group on campus that is passionately and actively taking a stand against food waste, but I also see half full plates of food being thrown away everyday in the dining center. Hopefully I can influence my peers that aren't so concerned!

    And thanks again for stopping by my blog!

  5. Alexis, though this comment really has nothing to do with this particular blog, I want to post somewhere that I am extremely impressed with your website. From making incredible sculptures and pottery artifacts, to this blog, you amaze me more and more, as I come to know more and more about the great Alexis. I love the beautiful prose of your writing, by the way.

  6. @tami_I_have_been

    Hey Tami!

    Thank you so much for reading my blog! It really means a lot to me. You are pretty awesome yourself (even though I won't know your middle name for another 3 and a half years :P) but really I'm excited to hang out with you on Fall break!
