Sunday, November 13, 2011

Ceramics in the Family: Recent Art Projects

Happy Sunday!

I recently got an email from my former art teacher and Nancy's current art teacher, Ms. A. She sent me a photo of Nancy's latest work of a art, a little boat.

Isn't it awesome? I'm so proud of her. She made this using slabs, a hand building method that I never use. It's much too difficult for me. The first slab project I attempted warped and the second one cracked like crazy. Apparently Nancy has this down pat. Not only does her boat look beautiful, but the form is neither warped nor cracked.

This photo was definitely a shot of humility! I worked in clay for seven semesters in high school and took classes at Krueger Pottery. Nancy is only halfway through her first semester and her slab skills are ten times better than mine. The kid has so much talent. I love it.

Things like this make me itch to get my hands on some clay. What have I been doing art-wise lately? If you read my post about James House, you'd know that the pottery wheels only cater to right handed people, so I can't use them. I've done absolutely no ceramics at Haverford so far. Well, I wrote a proposal for The Students Arts Fund, a grant of $5,000 distributed for student art projects by the Haverford Humanities Center. I wrote up plans for running a six-week ceramics workshop series, and budgeted for a Brent B wheel, clay, and some new sponges. The cost totaled to about a thousand dollars, so I was unsure if the Students Arts Fund thought my project would be worth it. A few weeks later, I got an email notification that they decided to fund the workshops and the wheel, and I'm so excited!

So I'll be teaching four lucky Haverford Students all about wheel throwing. I wish I could teach more students, but we will only have five wheels, and the funding is for wheel throwing workshops, not hand building.  It's possible I could teach hand building to a larger group later on, but we'll see.

Have you been working on any art projects? I love to see photos and hear about other's work, so comment below!


  1. I'm amazed that all three of you Etzkorns are such great artists ... you clearly have your Mom's genes!

  2. @Kathy Bernard
    Aww, thanks! You need to remind my mom that she has talent too! I think she forgets sometimes.
