Friday, January 27, 2012

A New Year and A New Semester!

I'm excited to finally be falling back into the rhythm of my school life at Haverford. The first few weeks of classes classes were extremely hectic, and here's why:

I pre-registered for these classes. . .

Foundations In Social Theory
Applied Calculus with Modeling
Introduction to the New Testament
Comparative Politics

They all seemed to work out in my schedule, and they were all subjects I hadn't tried before or wanted a better understanding of.

However, these are the classes I registered for and am now taking. . .

The World of Computing
Quaker Social Witness
Critical Issues in Education
Applied Ethics of Peace, Justice, and Human Rights

I shopped eight classes total--I went to four classes a day for the first two days (The first day I went to class for six hours straight so I had to bring my lunch with me!). And slowly narrowed down the list of classes. Amazingly, all of the classes I wanted to take were lottery classes that I hadn't pre-registered for, so I wasn't in the initial lottery. These lottery classes had two lists of students: the students with a spot in the class and the students on the wait list. Because I just showed up the first day I wasn't on any lists--I had the lowest priority.

Luckily though, because so many other students are shopping too, there is a significant amount of movement on the wait lists, and I got into every class that I wanted. I don't know what I would do without shopping week. It's hard to imagine having to sign up for classes and go in blind--I'm obviously not great at predicting the best classes for myself!

I'm really enjoying my classes so far; so I'm sure I will write more about them later. Feel free to ask any specific questions about my classes. I'm happy to answer them!

Oh, and because it's a new semester, I'd like to once again invite any of my readers to subscribe to my blog. This way, you get all of my blog postings automatically sent to your email account. That way, you never miss a post! Just type your email address into the Subscribe By Email Box in the right hand column of the page.

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