Thursday, August 25, 2011

All Freshman Arrive

Hey everyone!

The rest of the class of 2015 moved in yesterday! It was the beginning of Customs Week, Haverford's orientation week for freshman. The dynamic of campus shifted abruptly during the transition from MLI to Customs; the class of 2015 grew from 30 students to 337 students. We are the largest incoming class in Haverford College's history!

Customs Week helps you get to know the campus and it's resources, but focuses on building relationships within your customs group. The customs groups consist of the people that live on your hall. In my case, there are 12 freshmen, 8 guys and four girls.

Yesterday evening, we played ice breaker games (including Ninja!), had dinner together, went to a lighthearted opening ceremony, and embarked on the most intense scavenger hunt in my life. So intense, in fact, that we competed against all the other customs groups in the freshman class, the prize is a pizza and cookie party for your group, and the winners won't be determined until Saturday--Good incentive for you to keep reading, huh?

I'll let you know a little bit more about what we did today in tomorrow's post; I think it's good to have a little time to reflect.  :)

P.S. I keep meaning to take pictures of my experiences and other people I meet. I know pictures are totally more interesting than my ramblings, so you can expect a lot of pictures in the future!


  1. My hall didn't win the scavenger hunt or the pizza party; however, we were deemed the winners of the hall decorating competition out of the nine halls in Gummere (the dorm I live in) :D Our hall has a lego theme with lots of lego people and such. It's pretty awesome.
